September 14-16, 2022 China (Shenzhen) Lighting Industry Chain Technology Innovation Exhibition

publish:2024-06-25 10:32:50   views :67
publish:2024-06-25 10:32:50  

National high-tech enterprise Chiplight Technology(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. will appear at China (Shenzhen) lighting industry chain Technology Innovation Exhibition (CLITI). The exhibition will be held grandly in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center from September 14 to 16, focusing on the whole industry chain of lighting. With the theme of "integration of scientific and technological innovation, intelligent and green quality improvement", the exhibition will integrate industry resources and build a new "Exhibition + Exhibition" integrated platform for business docking, information release and scientific and technological innovation achievements exhibition of the global lighting industry.

Chiplight was founded in 2018 and headquartered in Shenzhen. Based on green lighting products, it has built a strong R & D team, established new product IP, and expanded the increment of customer base. In just threeorfour years, it has accumulated a lot and quickly established its own new brand voice in the market. The company is based in Shenzhen and radiates across the country. At the same time, it has multi-point R & D and customer support centers in Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Xiamen, Zhongshan and other places, and has international business support in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Chiplight is positioned as a professional power supply / lighting control overall solution provider, focusing on automotive power management / green lighting, LED lighting drive / IOT intelligent control chip and system development. The company's technical team is deep-rooted, composed of IC experts and senior engineers in the industry. It has been deeply involved in the industry for more than 15 years, and has rich engineering experience and excellent productization ability; In particular, the core members have focused on R & D for many years, and have rich experience in many aspects, from underlying algorithms to chip design to solution design. Their R & D achievements have been fruitful. They have carried out patent layout in many places, such as China, the United States, Japan and South Korea, with a total of 100 patents.

At this stage, the core business of Chiplight is the R & D and sales of power management driver chips, mainly including LED lighting driver chips and automotive lighting driver chips. Among them, LED lighting driver chips include general LED lighting driver chips and intelligent LED lighting driver chips, which are applied to high-voltage linear thyristor dimming products, intelligent dimming and color matching products, lighting auxiliary products, automotive lighting products and other products, and have established a solid foundation and excellent reputation in domestic manufacturers and international brands and stores. Subsequently, Chiplight will forge ahead, continue to expand its product line, enter the automotive industry, deeply cultivate the overall market layout of general lighting and automotive lighting, and strive to attack the goal of international semiconductor companies within ten years.

As a member of China Lighting Appliance Association, Chiplight will display the latest products and solutions of the enterprise in an all-round way with a 180 square meter booth at the 2022 China (Shenzhen) lighting industry chain Technology Innovation Exhibition (CLITI).

During the same period of the CLITI exhibition, a series of activities will also be held, such as the release of the white paper on industrial development, the official evaluation of the top 10 / 20 in various fields of the whole industrial chain, the China lighting industry development conference, the supply chain technology forum, market segmentation activities of various special committees, and new products and new technologies press conferences.

From September 14 to 16, 2022, the 2022 China (Shenzhen) lighting industry chain science and Technology Innovation Exhibition hosted by China Lighting Appliance Association will be held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. The exhibition will focus on the whole industry chain of lighting, with the theme of "integration of scientific and technological innovation, intelligent and green quality improvement", integrate industry resources, and build a new "Exhibition + Exhibition" integrated platform for business docking, information release and scientific and technological innovation achievements display of the global lighting industry.

Exhibition details: "2022 China (Shenzhen) lighting industry chain Technology Innovation Exhibition" shocked

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